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Recirculating aquaculture

Sustainable and Sustainable Development

Project Cases

Project Cases


On average, there is one circular water aquaculture farm per 100000 people, and more and more salmon aquaculture workshops are transitioning to circular water aquaculture.


There are over 100 large-scale factory based aquaculture systems. Factory based aquaculture equipment is sold globally, and there is an annual exhibition of professional recycled water aquaculture equipment.


Almost 90% of the hatching and breeding of Duobao fish and flounder seedlings use a circulating water system.


The factory mode of breeding pointed toothed catfish has achieved a breeding density of 200kg/M3


By using recycled water to cultivate salmon fry, almost all salmon fry were raised using recycled water mode in 5016, with an annual yield of tens of millions of fish.


Some large capital conglomerates have recognized the advantages of circular aquaculture and invested huge amounts of capital in the industry in order to obtain substantial returns.

Breeding Site

Breeding site

The lack of graduates and technical personnel in the field of circular aquaculture in China has resulted in equipment not being able to fully utilize its original capabilities, and many enterprises adopt imported equipment with complex designs and operations that are not suitable for the current national conditions. Another major reason for restricting the widespread development of recycled water technology in China is that even domestic equipment is relatively expensive, making it difficult for farmers to use recycled water aquaculture equipment on a large scale without loans from banks or credit cooperatives. Therefore, to promote circular aquaculture on a large scale in China, efforts need to be made in two directions: one is to develop equipment that is more in line with the national conditions, and the other is to develop supporting aquaculture technology services.
Domestic in the 1980s
Domestic in the 1980s

The immaturity of local technology has led to the introduction of foreign aquaculture equipment and technology, mainly led by state-owned enterprises, to raise live fish in oil fields and border areas.

Domestic in the 1990s
Domestic in the 1990s

With the rapid development of China's economy, circular aquaculture has entered a stage of development, and various aquatic universities have begun to research domestically produced equipment.

Domestic 2016
Domestic 2016

The annual production of circular water aquaculture in China has reached 180000 tons, but compared to foreign countries, there is a significant gap in the density of circular water aquaculture.

Freshwater treatment

In the natural environment, water bodies may be contaminated with various heavy metals, pesticides, and other pollutants, which can affect the success rate of aquaculture seedling and aquaculture. At the same time, there are many diseases and parasites around the aquaculture farms. Different farms have serious cross infection due to the same water source drainage and water intake, making it difficult to ensure the success rate of aquaculture. Therefore, we have developed a source water treatment system, which can effectively remove organic pollution, bacterial pathogen pollution, heavy metal pollution, etc. from source water aquaculture, and improve the dissolved oxygen content of the water body and regulate the alkalinity and pH of the water body, making it suitable for aquaculture and greatly improving the success rate of seedling and aquaculture.

Freshwater treatment
Seedling cultivation and standard thickness

The stage of hatching fish eggs to 3-10cm fry using circulating water equipment, during which live bait and feed are fed. The process of growing fish fry from one size to a larger size, known as relay farming, is a way to reduce farming risks and save farming resources. The coarse circulating water standard will improve the growth rate and survival rate of fish fry, and reduce the risk of death and failure.

Seedling cultivation and standard thickness
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