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Breeding variety


East Star Spot

East Star Spot

Dong Xing Ban, also known as Seven Star Ban or Star Ban Dong Xing Ban, belongs to the family Serranidae and the genus Scorpaeniformes. It has colors such as blue, red, brown, and yellow, and is thinner and longer than most zebrafish. Its head is small, and it feeds on various live organisms such as sea fish, squid, shellfish, and shrimp to maintain its bright colors. The meat is fresh and tender, with low fat content, delicious taste, strong and elastic teeth, rich in nutrients, and can be steamed or braised.
Epinephelus akaara

Epinephelus akaara

Red spotted grouper is a high economic value edible fish with delicious meat. It is suitable for steaming or boiling ginger soup. Due to the red color symbolizing auspiciousness in Chinese culture, fish was once a popular edible fish in Chinese wedding banquets. Red spotted grouper has thick, white flesh, delicious taste, and low fat. Nutritionally rich, known as the 'sea chicken fish'. The essential amino acid composition of red spotted grouper is reasonable, abundant, and nutritionally balanced. The high content of four umami amino acids in red spotted grouper determines the deliciousness of its muscles, and its muscles are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The body is rich in EPA and DHA, which are higher than general economic fish and have high edible value and health benefits.
Pearl Dragon Grouper

Pearl Dragon Grouper

Pearl grouper, also known as dragon tiger grouper or pearl grouper, is a hybrid new species of grouper cultivated from dragon grouper (male) and tiger grouper (female). Its meat is tender, grows quickly, and has strong disease resistance. It has the appearance of a tiger grouper head and a dragon grouper tail, demonstrating hybrid advantages. It has good market prices and can also be used as an ornamental fish, with broad market prospects. The commercial fish of pearl dragon grouper attracted a large number of breeders to the market two years ago due to profit attraction. The production has increased year by year, and the market price has also decreased. The market price of pearl dragon bile, which weighs about one kilogram, is above 50 yuan/kilogram, and the market price of pearl dragon grouper, which weighs over one and a half kilograms, is around 45-50 yuan/kilogram.
Red melon seed spots

Red melon seed spots

This fish is distributed in tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo Pacific, including East Africa, southern Japan, Australia, Taiwan, and the Line Islands.
Habitat depth: Water depth ranging from 12 to 120 meters.
As a tropical coastal coral reef fish, it prefers to inhabit shallow waters with rocky substrates and feeds on small fish, shrimp, crabs, and arthropods.
Blue melon seed spot

Blue melon seed spot

He is a tycoon among groupers and is rare in the market. Originating from Southeast Asia, its fish skin is thick, oily, elastic and smooth, and its meat is relatively tender. Blue melon seed spot is a high-quality edible fish with low fat and high protein, known as the "sea chicken meat"
Mouse spots

Mouse spots

Mouse grouper has a beautiful body shape and good meat quality, and is deeply loved by people. It is currently one of the most expensive consumer varieties of grouper. But now the wild population is gradually declining, and it is listed as a vulnerable (VU) species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.
Mouse grouper is a highly valuable species of grouper in terms of economic value, with high prices (especially for live fish) in both domestic and international markets. The breeding and development potential of mouse spots is considerable, as they grow rapidly and can tolerate living in narrow water spaces. Distribution in the main aquaculture areas of Indonesia
Chinese lobster

Chinese lobster

The protein content of Chinese lobster is 18.9%, higher than that of most seawater and freshwater fish and shrimp. It contains 8 kinds of amino acids necessary for human body, as well as minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Lobster has a sweet and salty taste, a warm nature, and has the effects of tonifying the kidneys, strengthening yang, nourishing yin, and calming the mind. The "Chinese Medicinal Animal Chronicles" includes medicinal herbs, which are commonly used for tonifying the kidneys and strengthening yang in folk medicine.
scylla paramamosain

scylla paramamosain

The Chinese mitten crab is the largest and fastest growing precious marine crab in the family Crabs, and is also one of the traditional export aquatic products and main aquaculture species in China. The meat is fresh and delicious, with high nutritional value. It is known as sea ginseng and is a precious seafood popular among people. The green crab has strong disease resistance, tolerance to dry dew, and is suitable for long-distance transportation as an adult. Its sales market is stable, and it generates certain economic and social benefits
Portunus pelagicus

Portunus pelagicus

Far sea swimming crab has a slightly salty taste and a cold nature. It has the effect of clearing heat and reducing swelling, and is used to treat blood circulation, reducing swelling, and traumatic injuries. Mainly containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, niacin, calcium, scales, iron, chitin, etc; The deep-sea swimming crab also has significant economic value
rainbow trout

rainbow trout

Rainbow trout has fresh and tender meat, delicious taste, no fishy smell, no small bones or spines, and does not require scaling when consumed. Fish meat contains abundant amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial for human absorption and balanced nutrition. Its body contains several times more DHA and EPA, known as brain gold, than other fish. It also contains a large amount of vitamins and other nutrients in its body. It contains rich potassium and low sodium, which is very beneficial for hypertensive patients to consume.
Silver salmon

Silver salmon

Silver salmon is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (DHA and EPA), which can promote brain and visual development in infants and young children. It has the effects of beauty, prevention of various cardiovascular and other diseases, and can also stimulate people's appetite. It is an excellent raw material for making sashimi, sushi, and other delicacies. Due to its edible and health value, silver salmon has become one of the most precious fish on the dining table in the world today.
salmo salar

salmo salar

It is currently one of the most important aquaculture fish species in the world, and also the cold water fish with the highest artificial aquaculture yield. The artificial breeding of migratory Atlantic salmon is carried out in freshwater, while the adult fish farming stage is carried out in seawater, which is fundamentally different from the land sealed Atlantic salmon that are raised in freshwater for life. The migratory Atlantic salmon is more suitable for intensive aquaculture, characterized by high economic value, fast growth rate, and strong disease resistance. However, due to its lack of natural distribution in China and the difficulty of artificial breeding technology, large-scale aquaculture has not yet been carried out in China.
Topmouth Culter

Topmouth Culter

Topmouth culter is the largest species of culter subfamily, and one of the "three treasures" of the Taihu Lake Lake. It, together with Songjiang Perch, Yellow River Carp and Songhua River Salmon, is known as one of the four famous fishes in China and one of the main economic fishes in the Taihu Lake Lake. On December 12, 2007, it was included in the "List of Key Protected Economic Aquatic Plant Resources in China (First Batch)".
Topmouth carp is also the main target of fishing in Xingkai Lake, Heilongjiang Province, accounting for up to 90% of the total catch in history. In some rivers and reservoirs of the Huai River and Yellow River systems, the bigmouth carp is an important economic fish species in the local area.
Topmouth culter not only has high economic value, but also has certain ecological functions in lake fisheries. It can convert small and unused fish in the water into fish protein with high economic and nutritional value, greatly reducing the pressure of fishery resources on the water environment.
Military fish

Military fish

The military fish meat is thick and delicious, and is a beloved edible fish. Mainly fresh food, with various eating methods such as stewing, frying fish chunks, braising, smoking fish, etc., or cutting the back along the spine from head to tail, marinating it into salted fish or dried salt, frying or frying it for consumption, the taste is also delicious. Gallbladder can be used as medicine to treat children's wind shock and eye fire fever. Sell more locally and transport a small amount in bulk such as bags or baskets.
California bass

California bass

Large mouthed black bass has solid meat, delicious taste, and few bone spurs, with high nutritional value. It is believed that consuming this fish has special effects on wound healing in Hong Kong and Macau, and is therefore popular in the market. In addition, largemouth black bass is also available for tourists to fish, and is deeply loved by many anglers. Large mouth black bass has strong disease resistance and few diseases. It can be raised alone in ponds or mixed in fish ponds, and is also suitable for high-density aquaculture in net cages, with high economic benefits. Large mouth black bass can effectively control the excessive reproduction of wild fish, shrimp, and tilapia in fish ponds.
macrobrachium rosenbergii

macrobrachium rosenbergii

Macrobrachium rosenbergii has a large body size, wide diet, few diseases, easy survival, fast growth, and good nutrition, therefore it has high economic value. After being introduced from Japan, China was trial raised by the the Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute. After successful breeding, it was popularized to 14 provinces and cities. In the 1990s, the culture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii gained unprecedented development due to the breakthrough in large-scale artificial breeding technology. In 2021, China's total aquaculture output will exceed 170000 tons, of which the aquaculture output in Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang will account for about 90% of the total aquaculture output in China; It is the largest freshwater shrimp in the world and is known as the "king of freshwater shrimp"


Dongfeng snails have the effects of cooling blood, stopping bleeding, nourishing yin, and moistening dryness. The snail meat is plump and delicate, with a delicious taste, and is known as the "pearl on the plate"; It is rich in protein, vitamins, essential amino acids and trace elements for the human body, and is a typical natural animal health food with high protein, low fat, and high calcium content. Dongfeng snail is a high-quality marine shellfish that has been very popular in both domestic and international markets in recent years. It has been accepted by breeders along the southeast coast of China and gradually formed a production scale

The benefits of eating fish


Fish skin
Fish skin Rich in collagen, it helps with internal wound healing, reduces wrinkles, and improves skin elasticity.
Fish belly
Fish belly Contains fish oil, mainly omega-3, which is an excellent source of DHA and EPA to maintain nervous system function. Children are developing brains, so it is recommended to eat it twice a week. For students preparing for exams, it is recommended to eat it three times a week.
Fish Containing a large amount of high-quality protein, it is an essential nutrient element that helps establish and maintain body cells, strengthen the body, and promote immune enhancement.
Fish bones
Fish bones Fish bones are rich in chondroitin and organic calcium, which are easy to dissolve when cooked in soup and are easily absorbed by humans, helping with bone growth and relieving fatigue.
The benefits of eating fish
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