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Let breeding enterprises make money

The cost of farming is on par with traditional farming methods

Seedling breeding

Seedling breeding

In the development process of modern seed industry, the breeding of high-quality seeds is the core and should be led by technology; Market promotion is key and should be market-oriented; Seed breeding is the foundation and the beginning of all aquaculture. Our company has multiple doctoral degrees in aquaculture breeding, graduated from top universities in China's marine aquaculture industry: Xiamen University and Ocean University of China. We have experience in cultivating and developing new varieties of aquatic products under the Ministry of Agriculture. By combining traditional and modern technologies such as population breeding, family breeding, genomic population breeding, and metabolomic epigenetic breeding, the breeding speed can be accelerated by 2-6 times and the time can be shortened by 3-10 years.

Integrated solution for industrialized aquaculture


The design process and elements of land-based aquaculture facilities should be data-driven, standardized, and clear

The design impact factors of land-based aquaculture facilities: "biology"

Breeding species:
Breeding species: Environmental requirements, growth needs, targeted design. Cold water, warm water, hot water fish, swimming fish, reef fish, benthic fish, different pool types have different temperature control designs.
Water treatment organisms:
Water treatment organisms: Bacteria, microalgae, fruits and vegetables
Usage ratio:
Usage ratio: Water treatment efficiency, system stability, such as large biological tanks, small mechanical filtration, fish and vegetable systems, etc.
Question: There are problems such as algae dumping, different demands for fish and vegetables, and asynchronous production.
principle: Try to minimize the number of live animals in the system, which is difficult to control.

The design influencing factors of land-based aquaculture facilities: "machinery"

Source: The level of development, completeness of supporting facilities, and industrial technology transfer of manufacturing and related industries in a country or region.
to configure:
to configure: Is complete mechanization feasible for the mechanical configuration ratio in RAS? For example, using electrolysis or biofilm method to reduce ammonia and nitrogen? Look at the application scenario.
The design influencing factors of land-based aquaculture facilities

Freshwater treatment

Adopting industrial thinking and equipment to improve aquaculture efficiency, aquaculture is carried out, and production, feeding, disease prevention and control, and environmental parameters are designed and managed according to industrial production. Industrial equipment such as motors, microfiltrations, nitrification systems, fans, ultraviolet lamps, etc. are used to adjust the aquaculture water body, environment, and water parameters, and filter and purify them in real time to keep the aquaculture water body fresh at all times, suitable for the growth of aquatic organisms, and cost controllable, reducing aquaculture costs and achieving cost reduction and efficiency improvement.

Industrial aquaculture can be basically equivalent to intensive aquaculture, characterized by on-demand production, stable multi batch seedling feeding and harvesting, and strong manual intervention during the breeding process. Compared to the production of industrial products such as machinery, electronics, and fast-moving consumer goods, the uniqueness of aquaculture lies in its "low cost of natural energy", which means that the sunlight, air, soil, water, and other resources in nature are free or cheap, saving most of the production costs for traditional aquaculture. However, the problem is that this gift is not stable, resulting in obvious seasonality in aquaculture production.

Industrial farming is aimed at reducing costs, not increasing them. The purpose of industrial aquaculture is to reduce costs by ensuring stable input and output of production materials, high-frequency production planning, and large-scale market supply, in order to lower the cost of aquatic products. A mature industrial aquaculture model, in summary, must meet three requirements: "better, faster, and cheaper", namely "better quality of aquatic products, faster production and supply, and cheaper market prices".

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