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How to distinguish the quality between grass carp seedlings and grass carp fish species

2024/7/23 15:34:02
Fish fry: Small fish that have just hatched from fish eggs, with a body length of 7 to 8 millimeters, are called fish fry or splashes. Wu Zai: After 10 to 15 days of nurturing, fish fry grow into juvenile fish measuring 1.5 to 2.0 centimeters, which are called Wu Zai. Summer flowers: After 10 to 15 days of breeding, the wuzi will develop summer flowers of 3 to 5 centimeters. In some places, the fish fry will be directly cultivated for 20 to 25 days until they reach about 3 centimeters. As it is summer at this time, it is called summer flowers, also known as fire slices or inch slices.

Winter slice: Summer flowers are raised for another 3 to 5 months to cultivate fish species that are 8 to 20 centimeters long, during the winter or spring season of the following year. Therefore, it is commonly known as winter leaf, also known as winter flower or spring leaf fish species. Also known as first instar fish species in production.

Autumn slices: In northern regions, summer flowers are raised for 1 to 2 months to cultivate fish species that are 5 to 8 centimeters long. As they emerge from ponds in autumn, they are called autumn slices or autumn flowers.

Second instar fish species: First instar fish species that are cultivated for another year are called second instar fish species, also known as old mouth fish species or pond fish species. For juvenile fish species such as green carp and grass carp, they are usually first cultivated into second instar fish species, and then cultivated into adult fish (edible fish) for sale in the third year.

Quality identification of fish fry: Fish fry of different individuals are affected by the quality of fertilized eggs and various environmental conditions during the hatching process, resulting in varying degrees of physical fitness after hatching. Fish fry with strong physical fitness have strong adaptability to the environment, and grow faster and have a higher survival rate in the subsequent cultivation process; Poor quality fish fry have a significantly slower growth rate and much lower survival rate in the subsequent cultivation process. Therefore, it is important to learn how to distinguish the quality of fish fry during seedling cultivation. In production, the quality of fish fry can be distinguished based on their body color, swimming condition, and struggling ability.

In the process of artificial reproduction of fish, four types of inferior fish fry are easily produced, namely variegated fry, "bearded" fry, "trapped flower" fry, and deformed fry. Variegated fry refer to fish fry with inconsistent body color spots; Beard "fry are fish fry that look like beards, meaning their bodies are not clean and they carry mud; The 'trapped flower' seedlings are fish fry with weak swimming ability that stick to the edge of the pool and refuse to swim; Abnormal fry refer to fish fry with deformities such as bent bodies and small eyes and heads. These four types of fish fry are basically unable to survive, so when purchasing fish fry, it is necessary to understand the spawning date and hatching time of each batch of fish fry, and strictly select according to the quality identification standards in the table. It is strictly prohibited to purchase the above four inferior fish fry, in order to create good conditions for improving the survival rate of fish fry cultivation.

Quality identification of summer flowers: The quality of summer flowers in common farmed fish can be identified based on the size of the pond, body color, fish activity, and physical strength.

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